About me


My name is Aaron Smusz and I have been working at Adobe since just after the acquisition in 2012, of what was originally EchoSign and later Acrobat Sign.

Most recently we have re-branded again and this product is now called Acrobat Sign.

I’m a “Customer Enablement Engineer”, which is an industry buzz-word for someone who helps people figure out how to use this technology in their business workflows. I work with our developers and product management teams to bring the customer’s perspective into clearer focus while we make decisions about how to improve the Acrobat Sign product.

During most of my time working with Acrobat Sign, I have been helping customers install, configure and adopt many of the “Out of Box” integrations that Adobe and our partners have created. I have also helped many who are interested in taking on the challenge, to develop and implement new integrations. This may be a partner who needs to provide “eSignature” functionality to their customers as part of their platform “workflows” or, in other cases a customer who needs this same type of functionality included in their own “homegrown” app, or some other “off-the-shelf” app/process they use which does not already have something shrink-wrapped.