Reference Source


 * Copyright 2019 Adobe. All rights reserved.
 * This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
 * of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
 * the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
 * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
 * governing permissions and limitations under the License.

import {BaseComponent} from '../../../coral-base-component';
import {BaseFormField} from '../../../coral-base-formfield';
import {DateTime} from '../../../coral-datetime';
import '../../../coral-component-textfield';
import '../../../coral-component-select';
import base from '../templates/base';
import {transform, commons, validate, i18n} from '../../../coral-utils';
import {Decorator} from '../../../coral-decorator';

// Default for display and value format

// Used to extract the time format from a date format
const AUTHORIZED_TOKENS = '(A|a|H{1,2}|h{1,2}|k{1,2}|m{1,2})';
const HOUR_REG_EXP = new RegExp('h{1,2}|H{1,2}|k{1,2}');
const MIN_REG_EXP = new RegExp('m{1,2}');

 Enumeration for {@link Clock} variants.

 @typedef {Object} ClockVariantEnum

 @property {String} DEFAULT
 A default, gray Clock.
 @property {String} QUIET
 A Clock with no border or background.
const variant = {
  DEFAULT: 'default',
  QUIET: 'quiet'

const CLASSNAME = '_coral-Clock';

// builds an array containing all possible variant classnames. this will be used to remove classnames when the variant
// changes
for (const variantValue in variant) {

 @class Coral.Clock
 @classdesc A Clock component that can be used as a time selection form field. Leverages {@link momentJS} if loaded
 on the page.
 @htmltag coral-clock
 @extends {HTMLElement}
 @extends {BaseComponent}
 @extends {BaseFormField}
const Clock = Decorator(class extends BaseFormField(BaseComponent(HTMLElement)) {
  /** @ignore */
  constructor() {

    // Default value
    this._value = '';

    // Events
    this._delegateEvents(commons.extend(this._events, {
      'change [handle="period"]': '_onPeriodChange'

    // Prepare templates
    this._elements = {};
    this._template =, {commons, i18n});

    // Pre-define labellable element
    this._labellableElement = this;

    // Add aria-errormessage attribute to coral-clock element
    this.errorID = ( || commons.getUID()) + "-coral-clock-error-label";

    // Prevent typing in specific characters which can be added to number inputs
    const forbiddenChars = ["-", "+", "e", ",", "."];
    this.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
      if (forbiddenChars.includes(e.key)) {

   The format used to display the selected time to the user. If the user manually types a time, this format
   will be used to parse the value. 'HH:mm' is supported by default. Include momentjs to support additional format
   string options see

   @type {String}
   @default "HH:mm"
   @htmlattribute displayformat
  get displayFormat() {
    return this._displayFormat || DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT;

  set displayFormat(value) {
    this._displayFormat = this._extractTimeFormat(transform.string(value).trim(), TIME_REG_EXP, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT);
    this._reflectAttribute('displayformat', this._displayFormat);


   The format to use on expressing the time as a string on the <code>value</code> attribute. The value
   will be sent to the server using this format. If an empty string is provided, then the default value per type
   will be used. 'HH:mm' is supported by default. Include momentjs to support additional format string options

   @type {String}
   @default "HH:mm"
   @htmlattribute valueformat
  get valueFormat() {
    return this._valueFormat || DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT;

  set valueFormat(value) {
    const setValueFormat = (newValue) => {
      this._valueFormat = this._extractTimeFormat(transform.string(newValue).trim(), TIME_REG_EXP, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT);
      this._reflectAttribute('valueformat', this._valueFormat);

    // Once the valueFormat is set, we make sure the value is also correct
    if (!this._valueFormat && this._originalValue) {
      this.value = this._originalValue;
    } else {
      this._elements.input.value = this.value;

   The current value as a Date. If the value is "" or an invalid date, <code>null</code> will be returned.

   @type {Date}
   @default null
  get valueAsDate() {
    return this._value ? new Date(this._value.toDate().getTime()) : null;

  set valueAsDate(value) {
    this.value = value instanceof Date ? new DateTime.Moment(value, null, true).format(this.valueFormat) : '';

   The clock's variant. See {@link ClockVariantEnum}.

   @type {String}
   @default ClockVariantEnum.DEFAULT
   @htmlattribute variant
  get variant() {
    return this._variant || variant.DEFAULT;

  set variant(value) {
    value = transform.string(value).toLowerCase();
    this._variant = validate.enumeration(variant)(value) && value || variant.DEFAULT;
    this._reflectAttribute('variant', this._variant);

    // passes down the variant to the underlying components
    this._elements.hours.variant = this._variant;
    this._elements.minutes.variant = this._variant;
    this._elements.period.variant = this._variant;

    // removes every existing variant

    if (this._variant !== variant.DEFAULT) {

   Name used to submit the data in a form.
   @type {String}
   @default ""
   @htmlattribute name
  get name() {

  set name(value) {
    this._reflectAttribute('name', value); = value;

   Whether this field is disabled or not.
   @type {Boolean}
   @default false
   @htmlattribute disabled
  get disabled() {
    return this._disabled || false;

  set disabled(value) {
    this._disabled = transform.booleanAttr(value);
    this._reflectAttribute('disabled', this._disabled);

    this[this._disabled ? 'setAttribute' : 'removeAttribute']('aria-disabled', this._disabled);
    this.classList.toggle('is-disabled', this._disabled);

    this._elements.hours.disabled = this._disabled;
    this._elements.minutes.disabled = this._disabled;
    // stops the form submission
    this._elements.input.disabled = this._disabled;

   Inherited from {@link BaseFormField#invalid}.
  get invalid() {
    return super.invalid;

  set invalid(value) {
    super.invalid = value;

    this._elements.hours.invalid = this._invalid;
    this._elements.minutes.invalid = this._invalid;
    this._elements.hours.setAttribute("aria-errormessage", this.errorID);
    this._elements.minutes.setAttribute("aria-errormessage", this.errorID);

    const ERROR_LABEL_ELEMENT_CLASS = "._coral-Clock .coral-Form-errorlabel";
    const errorLabel = this.querySelector(ERROR_LABEL_ELEMENT_CLASS);

    if (this._elements.hours.invalid || this._elements.minutes.invalid) {
      errorLabel.setAttribute("id", this.errorID);
      errorLabel.setAttribute("aria-live", "assertive");
      errorLabel.hidden = false; = "table-caption";["caption-side"] = "bottom";
    } else {
      errorLabel.setAttribute("aria-live", "off");
      errorLabel.hidden = true;

   Whether this field is required or not.
   @type {Boolean}
   @default false
   @htmlattribute required
  get required() {
    return this._required || false;

  set required(value) {
    this._required = transform.booleanAttr(value);
    this._reflectAttribute('required', this._required);

    this._elements.hours.required = this._required;
    this._elements.minutes.required = this._required;
    this._elements.input.required = this._required;

   Whether this field is readOnly or not. Indicating that the user cannot modify the value of the control.
   @type {Boolean}
   @default false
   @htmlattribute readonly
  get readOnly() {
    return this._readOnly || false;

  set readOnly(value) {
    this._readOnly = transform.booleanAttr(value);
    this._reflectAttribute('readonly', this._readOnly);

    this._elements.hours.readOnly = this._readOnly;
    this._elements.minutes.readOnly = this._readOnly;
    this._elements.input.readOnly = this._readOnly;

   This field's current value.
   @type {String}
   @default ""
   @htmlattribute value
  get value() {
    return this._getValueAsString(this._value, this.valueFormat);

  set value(value) {
    value = typeof value === 'string' ? value : '';
    // This is used to change the value if valueformat is also set but afterwards
    this._originalValue = value;

    // we do strict conversion of the values
    const time = new DateTime.Moment(value, this.valueFormat, true);
    this._value = time.isValid() ? time : '';
    this._elements.input.value = this.value;


   Inherited from {@link BaseFormField#labelledBy}.
  get labelledBy() {
    // Get current aria-labelledby attribute on the labellable element.
    let labelledBy = this.getAttribute('aria-labelledby');

    // If a labelledBy attribute has been defined,
    if (labelledBy) {
      // and strip the valueAsText element id from the end of the aria-labelledby string.
      labelledBy = labelledBy.replace(, '').trim();

      // If the resulting labelledBy string is empty, return null.
      if (!labelledBy.length) {
        labelledBy = null;
    return labelledBy;

  set labelledBy(value) {
    super.labelledBy = value;

    // The specified labelledBy property.
    const labelledBy = this.labelledBy;

    // An array of element ids to label control, the last being the valueAsText element id.
    const ids = [];

    // If a labelledBy property exists,
    if (labelledBy) {
      // prepend the labelledBy value to the ids array

      // Set aria-labelledby attribute on the labellable element joining ids array into space-delimited list of ids.
      this.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', ids.join(' '));
    } else {
      // labelledBy property is null, remove the aria-labelledby attribute.

   Ignore the date part and use the time part only

  _extractTimeFormat(format, regExp, defaultFormat) {
    const match = regExp.exec(format);
    return match && match.length && match[0] !== '' ? match[0] : defaultFormat;

   Sync time display based on the format

  _syncDisplay() {
    const hourFormat = this._extractTimeFormat(this.displayFormat, HOUR_REG_EXP, DEFAULT_HOUR_FORMAT);
    const minuteFormat = this._extractTimeFormat(this.displayFormat, MIN_REG_EXP, DEFAULT_MINUTE_FORMAT);

    this._elements.hours.placeholder = hourFormat;
    this._elements.minutes.placeholder = minuteFormat;

    this._elements.hours.value = this._getValueAsString(this._value, hourFormat);
    this._elements.minutes.value = this._getValueAsString(this._value, minuteFormat);


   Sync period selector based on the format

  _syncPeriod() {
    const period = this._elements.period;
    const time = this._value;
    const am = i18n.get('am');
    const pm = i18n.get('pm');
    const items = period.items.getAll();

    if (time && time.isValid()) {
      if (time.hours() < 12) {
        period.value = 'am';
      } else {
        period.value = 'pm';

    // Check for am/pm
    if (this.displayFormat.indexOf('a') !== -1) {
      items[0].textContent = am;
      items[1].textContent = pm;
    } else if (this.displayFormat.indexOf('A') !== -1) {
      items[0].textContent = am.toUpperCase();
      items[1].textContent = pm.toUpperCase();
    } else {

  /** @private */
  _togglePeriod(show) {
    this.classList.toggle(`${CLASSNAME}--extended`, show);
    this._elements.period.hidden = !show;

  /** @private */
  _onPeriodChange(event) {
    // stops the event from leaving the component

    const time = this._value;
    const period = this._elements.period;

    // we check if a change event needs to be triggered since it was produced via user interaction
    if (time && time.isValid()) {
      if (this.displayFormat.indexOf('h') !== -1) {
        if (period.value === 'am') {
          time.subtract(12, 'h');
        } else {
          time.add(12, 'h');

      this.value = time.format(this.valueFormat);

  _syncValueAsText() {
    this._elements.valueAsText.textContent = this._getValueAsString(this._value, this.displayFormat);

    if (!this.getAttribute('aria-labelledby')) {
      this.labelledBy = this.labelledBy;

   Kills the internal _onInputChange from BaseFormField because it does not check the target.

  _onInputChange(event) {
    // stops the event from leaving the component

    let newTime = new DateTime.Moment();
    const oldTime = this._value;

    let hours = parseInt(this._elements.hours.value, 10);
    const minutes = parseInt(this._elements.minutes.value, 10);

    if (window.isNaN(hours) || window.isNaN(minutes)) {
      newTime = '';
    } else {
      if (!this._elements.period.hidden &&
        this.displayFormat.indexOf('h') !== -1 &&
        this._elements.period.value === 'pm') {
        hours += 12;


    // we check if a change event needs to be triggered since it was produced via user interaction
    if (newTime && newTime.isValid()) {
      // @polyfill ie
      this.invalid = false;

      if (!newTime.isSame(oldTime, 'hour') || !newTime.isSame(oldTime, 'minute')) {
        this.value = newTime.format(this.valueFormat);
    } else {
      // @polyfill ie
      this.invalid = true;
      // does not sync the inputs so allow the user to continue typing the date
      this._value = '';

      if (newTime !== oldTime) {

   Helper class that converts the internal moment value into a String using the provided date format. If the value is
   invalid, empty string will be returned.

   @param {?Moment} value
   The value representing the date. It has to be a moment object or <code>null</code>
   @param {String} format
   The Date format to be used.

   @returns {String} a String representing the value in the given format.

  _getValueAsString(value, format) {
    return value && value.isValid() ? value.format(format) : '';

  focus() {
    // Sets focus to appropriate descendant
    if (!this.contains(document.activeElement)) {

   Returns {@link Clock} variants.

   @return {ClockVariantEnum}
  static get variant() {
    return variant;

  static get _attributePropertyMap() {
    return commons.extend(super._attributePropertyMap, {
      displayformat: 'displayFormat',
      valueformat: 'valueFormat'

  /** @ignore */
  static get observedAttributes() {
    return super.observedAttributes.concat([

  /** @ignore */
  render() {


    // a11y
    this.setAttribute('role', 'group');

    // Default reflected attributes
    if (!this._variant) {
      this.variant = variant.DEFAULT;
    if (!this._valueFormat) {
      this.valueFormat = DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT;
    if (!this._displayFormat) {
      this.displayFormat = DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT;

    // clean up to be able to clone it
    while (this.firstChild) {

    // Render template


export default Clock;