Reference Source
import {Color} from '@adobe/coral-spectrum'
public class | source


Color is used to get a color in different color spaces, calculate tints and shades etc.

Member Summary

Public Members

The alpha value of the color (value between 0-1).


The cmyk values of the color (all values between 0-100).


The serialized cmyk values of the color (all values between 0-100).


The hex value of the color.


The serialized hex value of the color.


The hsb values of the color.


The serialized hsb values of the color (s and b values between 0-100, h between 0-360).


hsl: *



The serialized hsl values of the color (s and l values between 0-100 in percent, h between 0-360).


The hsla values of the color.


The serialized hsla values of the color.


The rgb values of the color (value between 0-255).


The serialized rgb values of the color (r,g,b values between 0-255).


The rgba values of the color (r,g,b values between 0-255 and a between 0-1).


The serialized rgba values of the color (r,g,b values between 0-255 and alpha between 0-1).


The value of the color.

Method Summary

Public Methods

calculateShadeColors(amount: Number): *: Array<Coral.Color>

Calculates an array of darker colors.


calculateTintColors(amount: Number): *: Array<Coral.Color>

Calculates an array of lighter colors.


clone(): *: Color

Clone this color.


isSimilarTo(compareColor: Color, allowSlightColorDifference: Boolean): boolean: Boolean

Test if this Color is similar to another color.

Public Members

public alpha: Number source

The alpha value of the color (value between 0-1).

  • 1 by default.

public cmyk: Object source

The cmyk values of the color (all values between 0-100). e.g: {c:0, m:100, y:0, k:100}

  • null by default.

public cmykValue: String source

The serialized cmyk values of the color (all values between 0-100). e.g: 'cmyk(100,100,100,100)'

  • "" by default.

public hex: Number source

The hex value of the color.

  • null by default.

public hexValue: String source

The serialized hex value of the color. e.g: '#94CD4B'

  • "" by default.

public hsb: Object source

The hsb values of the color. h (hue has value between 0-360 degree) s (saturation has a value between 0-100 percent) b (brightness has a value between 0-100 percent)

  • null by default.

public hsbValue: String source

The serialized hsb values of the color (s and b values between 0-100, h between 0-360). e.g: 'hsb(360,100,100)'

  • "" by default.

public hsl: * source


public hslValue: String source

The serialized hsl values of the color (s and l values between 0-100 in percent, h between 0-360). e.g: 'hsl(360,100%,100%)'

  • "" by default.

public hsla: Object source

The hsla values of the color. h (hue has value between 0-360 degree) s (saturation has a value between 0-100 percent) l (lightness has a value between 0-100 percent) a (alpha has a value between 0-1)

  • null by default.

public hslaValue: String source

The serialized hsla values of the color. h (hue has value between 0-360 degree) s (saturation has a value between 0-100 percent) l (lightness has a value between 0-100 percent) a (alpha has a value between 0-1) e.g: 'hsla(360,50%,50%,0.9)'

  • "" by default.

public rgb: Object source

The rgb values of the color (value between 0-255). e.g.: {r:0, g:0, b:0}

  • null by default.

public rgbValue: String source

The serialized rgb values of the color (r,g,b values between 0-255). e.g: 'rgb(0,0,0)'

  • "" by default.

public rgba: Object source

The rgba values of the color (r,g,b values between 0-255 and a between 0-1). e.g: {r:0, g:0, b:0, a:1}

  • null by default.

public rgbaValue: String source

The serialized rgba values of the color (r,g,b values between 0-255 and alpha between 0-1). e.g: 'rgba(0,0,0,1)'

  • "" by default.

public value: String source

The value of the color. This value can be set in different formats (HEX, RGB, RGBA, HSB, HSL, HSLA and CMYK). Corrects a hex value, if it is represented by 3 or 6 characters with or without '#'.

e.g: HEX: #FFFFFF RGB: rgb(16,16,16) RGBA: rgba(215,40,40,0.9) HSB: hsb(360,100,100) HSL: hsl(360,100%,100%) HSLA: hsla(360,100%,100%,0.9) CMYK: cmyk(0,100,50,0)

  • "" by default.

Public Methods

public calculateShadeColors(amount: Number): *: Array<Coral.Color> source

Calculates an array of darker colors.


amount Number

Amount of shade colors to generate.



public calculateTintColors(amount: Number): *: Array<Coral.Color> source

Calculates an array of lighter colors.


amount Number

Amount of tint colors to generate.



public clone(): *: Color source

Clone this color.



public isSimilarTo(compareColor: Color, allowSlightColorDifference: Boolean): boolean: Boolean source

Test if this Color is similar to another color.


compareColor Color

The color to compare this color too.

allowSlightColorDifference Boolean
  • optional
  • default: true

While converting between color spaces slight loses might happen => we should normally consider colors equal, even if they are minimally different.

